Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Para bailar la Tenshi

Para bailar la Tenshi
se necesita una poca de gracia....
una poca de gracia y mucha comida
y arriba y arriba
ay y arriba y arriba
por ti sere, por ti sere
yo no soy cocinero
yo no soy cocinero, soy capitan
soy capitan
Baila Tenshi...come Tenshi
Baila Tenshi!!!

So, so like, yesterday was my B-Day.
in 1981 @ 7:35 am in El Seguro Social behind Soriana, on the fifth floor...after a C-Section, I came into this world.

So Mr. J decided to give me the works. Now Mr. J always plots and thinks ahead of time so, he is like this magic gnome that gets his magic dust and sprinkles about like...wait...that didn't sound right.Anyway, he woke me up w, 2 plushies: One is a Daisy Duck dressed as a bride and the other one... BUM! This huge white lamb that makes Lambo look like a fly and Lamy like the flea on the fly.i named him Lamont.

so after that we went mimis and I had to get up like 20 minutes later to go to work. My boss gave me this look of plea when I asked the day off a week ago so i told him to put me down for lunch.I think he is getting senile because he put me down for both: lunch and dinner.

I worked only in the morning though.so when I get home i takey shower and change into something nice because Mr. J told me to. He dressed up really nice, I'm talking the shirt, tie, jacket combo with the Issey Miyake cologne I just love and makes me want to rape him over and over...

prrr prr

Went to lisa's, her family gave me as a present the Memoirs of a Geisha DVD! kewl!!!

we went to collect the rest of the stores on the route and after that we drove to Dallas. This is when I get confused becuase he just wouldn't tell me where we were heading and then...I see it! Before my eyes...The Pappas Bros. Steakhouse sign *insert angelic chorus here* now now now...this place...I've always wanted to try it but didn't really had the slightest idea what kind of steak it was and I thought it would be kinda like Steak & Ale (mmmmmm...Steak and Ale)

anyways, it really wasn't.No my dear...we're talking marble floors, valet parking, dressed up waiters with the piano bar and cigar shop kinda of deal!!I felt chachara, like the big nopal sign in my forehead became glow in the dark or something but-hey!!! let's enjoy...the cheapest piece of meat was like $33 dlls...without veggies and stuff.
so I order a 10oz. filet mignon w, a house salad, some au gratin potatoes and just water. My hubby isn't much of a steak person but he tried it since there wasn't another suitable option for him on the menu.

They brought out fresh, crispy bread....good....v. good

and then, while we waited for the meal he handed me over an envelope w, a printout image of my gift.He had apologized earlier because he bought it on ebay but it wasn't going to arrive until 3 weeks later. So at least he could let me know what it was...Ladies and gents: A used Nikon camera w/ super features!!!Remember Lisa's cam?? the v. same one he got me.I got teary eyed and that made him happy.

and then.....the meal came...we're talking super nice dead vaca. It tasted awsome...v. tender...the potatoes....oh my God!!!!!!!! it was like an orgasm in my mouth!!! (Mr. J knew about this and felt awkward)

so so I got full fast and couldn't finish it but we took it home in this super nice bag w, silver flashy presentation....and then....dessert...

The most amazing Creme Brulee I have ever tasted, with the perfect combination of caramelized sugar and assorted berries to die for!!! and and it had a happy birthday sign and a small candle.
Mr. J told the waiter... *shy*
awsomenesss in its entirety...awsome meal....after that we went back home and had another type of fun if you get my drift...ah yesh, even Barry White would get the vapors....and that...was my B-Day



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